It balances our emotions and leaves us feeling safe and . Greg Maddux Satchel Paige Lefty Grove Tom Seaver Wiki Commons Plenty of Americans think that they know all there is to know about the sport, but if given the opportunity, could you name a player just from one picture? Today's Top Quizzes in Baseball Browse Baseball Top Contributed Quizzes in Sports 1 Athlete Mashup! Russia. Video Film Room Statcast MLB Network MLB Originals Podcasts. Trout is a center fielder for the Los Angeles Angels of Anaheim and a seven-time MLB All-Star. Otherwise known as \"The Iron Man,\" Cal Jr. was a shortstop and third baseman for the Baltimore Orioles for 21 seasons. You\\'d be surprised how many people could get these wrong. Simply known by his first name, the outfielder spent 14 seasons with the Seattle Mariners and currently holds the MLB's record for most hits in a single season at 262. Name every man to have hit 10 or more Test centuries. Since retiring, A-Rod has become known for his high-profile relationship with Jennifer Lopez.<\/span>\n\t\t\t <\/span>\n <\/div>\n

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